Friday, December 11, 2009

The Cause of Cancer

Oxygen is the most important thing for life. Oxygen combines with metabolic waste products allowing elimination from the body.
This is called the oxidation reduction cycle. When not enough oxygen is available in the body, detoxification slows down, wastes pile up, circulation becomes sluggish and oxygen can not reach the cells.

If oxygen levels fall below 40%
the cell begins to ferment sugar instead of burning it. Fermentation produces only 1/6th the energy of oxidation and lacks the energy to manufacture an enzyme coating around itself.
Healthy cells are surrounded by an enzyme coating which O1 can not penetrate. Cancer, bacteria and viruses do not have an enzyme coating and are oxidized on contact with O1.

Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize
in 1931 for discovering the cause of cancer. Cancer is caused when the body's cells change from aerobic respiration to anaerobic respiration.
The growth of cancer cells is initiated by a lack of oxygen. Lack of oxygen and high levels of acidity usually go together.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


By Diane
Most children don’t realise they are not performing normally other kids do and set about teasing them the body is struggling the mind is having problems coping as well.

A lot of us take this abnormality and other patterns into adult hood with out being conscious of this. That was me

So the paradigm of even mediocre health is never known and never realized for most people. So what is normal? What is good health? Most people have never experienced this. I am talking about this now in the present. After my medical past it feels like I am living in NEW body. I am on no pills drugs no medication nothing after a lifetime of being just the opposite. Like every body else?

The pharmaceutical companies the AMA the Government, the establishment all set about reinforcing sickness not health and with the plethora of specialists and procedures & drugs and poisons that almost come out of special effect movies, every one is convinced they have to have this form of treatment. Far from it

Health conditions 100s of them all with names, its all quite normal it’s the degenerative illness people have or expect to get, like cancer, cardiovascular - now every one will become diabetic, one in two men will get prostrate cancer, one in three women will get breast or some form of cancer, every one is on blood pressure tablets. And every year have you noticed it just get’s worse.

Fresh fruit and vegetables, gas stored refrigerated for up to a year but soil lacking in minerals picked green is un-eatable in some cases & will only last the consumer days at best. Going on to

Meat and other protein filled with pesticides and 100’s hundreds of other toxins petrol oil plastic contamination in all air, food & water
Genetically altered crops, poor food choices by most people, sedentary occupations, little or no exercise, or proper breathing, massive exposure to electro mechanical frequencies and radiation. Most of this there is nothing we can do about it, but we need to be aware, flexible, compromise, change what we can that’s what I did

Plus huge levels of stress affecting the endocrine system and destroying our immune system.

So is it any wonder me & every one these days is sick, taking into accounting all of this: