Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Super bug Eats Flesh

Gold Coast Bulletin 23/12/09

Allan Kelly has been eaten by a flesh eating super bug and lived to tell the tale
The 71 year old retired policeman was a victim of the new breed of antibiotic resistant golden staph bacteria lurking in hospital wards He picked it up while in the Gold Coast Hospital for a minor ailment and spent months fighting blisters weeping puss and blood. The bacteria attacked his eyes taking the last of his sight then festered on a surgical chest wound. From there the staphylococcus aureus moved to his aorta, leaving him in a state that doctors gave him only six months to live. By the end, the super bug had eaten a hole so deep into Mr Kelly’s chest that doctors could see his bleeding heart. His wife is still traumatised this is becoming quite common now and there are rising cases of the super bugs killing patients.

Super bug eats flesh it’s a warning. Our immune systems- are not working any more. Why? well look around you people are tired, obese, stressed, confused, in pain, modern lifestyle its not natural its unbalanced developing in now hundreds of diagnosis the main ones – diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Drugs, surgery, chemo, are killing us: supplements, anti oxidants, diets exercise is helping us but nothing is working. Why? Because it’s what we eat and drink and breathe then how/if the body can use these resources. Health has become so complex that even our local doctor has become errand boy for the specialist, the drug coys the AMA. Now specialty health supplements and so on. What has happened to medicine that has caused it to be so out of touch with the people it was supposed to serve?

The key to this is balance – acid alkaline balance in our body fluids the sea within us, while diet is of course important we need to understand that the way the body reacts to what we put into it isn’t about what it is we are eating. It is about how well our body is working using the minerals it already has in reserve, which in turn is affected by what we intake or manufacture with in or excrete.

Acid alkaline balance is all about what mineral supplies or buffers we have in our body. Too much acid (acidosis) and certain symptoms will begin to appear Too much alkaline, the same.

Acidosis precedes and provokes disease. Even a healthy body succumbs when its own acid accumulation, comes to the point where resistance breaks down; suddenly we find we have become susceptible to many forms of degenerative disease, weakened further by toxins in the digestive tract/major organs and any of the body tissues, and fluids.

Hundreds of symptoms all spring from one cause: an accumulation of acid waste in the body. Modern day acid foods are addictive: causing over eating and weight management problems. This acid accumulation causes inflammation, pains in the joints, nerves and intestines, and lung infection. It also causes a loss of minerals from the body, osteoporosis, inflamed joints, discs wear, sensitive teeth, bleeding gums, dry skin, and brittle nails and so on
Acid accumulation affects enzyme activity. No one biochemical transfer or reaction happens in the body with out the involvement of the appropriate enzyme. Force enzymes to float in the wrong pH internal fluids and they will work improperly or not work at all. When enzyme activity slows down you can expect disease to appear. When they are halted in their function, we die

How are we getting this acid? What is it that we have lost? What do we do?
Live people need live whole alkaline green food, we need minerals in this food because it is the minerals that are left in the body after consuming the food that make up our balance, and there fore our ability to operate at maximum efficiency, it’s what’s left after we burn our nutrients.
Another cause of acid ash is stress; this is urgent “you have to manage stress”

We get rid of acid waste through the skin the kidneys the liver and even through our breath, this is done by minerals already on hand in the body which neutralise these acids to a point where they can safely be released into the body fluids, (here in lies the problem) and the solution.

So what does this mean?

1. As we age, acids, heavy metals, petro-chemicals, pesticides, and other toxins accumulate in the body’s genetically weakest and most devitalized organs.
2. As the blood supply to these vital organs is reduced and their immunity is reduced because of the same organic and inorganic acids and toxins – these organs become the home of viruses, bacteria, and fungi, where they can multiply in peace.
3. The function of these organisms is to consume the accumulating toxic debris
4. These organisms set up their house-keeping in the parts of the body that are the most acid, the most oxidised and have the highest pollution, with toxic metals. These areas are where the body’s own immune cells are also incapacitated – so anaerobic germs, viruses and fungi multiply and thrive in an undisturbed state that cannot be easily conquered.
5. The body rots and oxidises from the inside out. Balance begins at home, as early as possible in our lives, and not at the end in hospital. The cause of all degenerative disease: acids, toxins, heavy metals. Aided by calcification and fatty tissue attaching to and narrowing vein / artery walls

The Result? Most people seem to wait until they are diagnosed (with say cancer, cardio, diabetes and so on) then they leave it to the doctor? – Others get into some sort of unrelated health supplements/diet /exercise on again off again none of which seem to work- because in 1 – 5 above nothing actually changes

Why? Because the body is out of balance – the body chemistry is out of balance. Here in lies the problem very very few people understand. We just have to regain this balance so our glands and organs function properly. Now you can. Please read all postings on this blog to get a more complete understanding then get the. FREE trial notice the difference almost immediately
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